K. W. Wilson has done numerous readings in the WNY area elementary schools. The author visits are a great way for children to be engaged in discussing bullying and how their involvement impacts their classmates.
See the file below for additional resources for before/after the author visit. The activity guide is beneficial, as it allows the students to be engaged in the story and it’s a fun way to continue the conversation. There are activities for each grade level with coloring sheets, and various other activities for your students. Made by teachers for teachers. Get it here!
Kevin will come to your school to meet with individual classrooms or with grade levels to spread the positive message of It All Starts With You!, as well as to share the journey and process of publishing a book.
Kevin will get your students motivated to both be a better person, as well as to get your kids writing!
Previous Author Visits:
*Royalton-Hartland Elementary School
*Spruce Elementary School
*Buffalo PS 3 D’Youville Porter Campus
*Lockport High School
*DeSales Catholic School
*Buffalo United Charter School
*John A. Sciole Elementary School
*Oak Orchard Elementary School
*Medina Middle School
*Read-Pattillo Elementary
*Newfane Early Childhood Center
*Newfane Elementary School
*WNY Young Writers’ Studio
…and many more!
We will also help you in setting up an author visit with any of our published authors, including Diane De Young, Daniel Mault, or Molly O’Malley Pitman.